The incorporation procedure is usually completed within 13 days. The details that we will need in order to proceed are as follows:
a) Proposed name (we have a list of pre-approved names if you want to choose)
b) Description of company activities (2-3 lines)
c) Copy of passport of shareholder (or shareholders)
d) Bank reference for the shareholders as per the text below:
At the request of Omegaserve Secretarial, of Limassol Cyprus, we hereby confirm that (name of beneficial owner) has held properly conducted account(s) with us for many years and we consider him respectable and good for normal business engagements.
e) Occupation of shareholders (if there is a business card please provide us with one)
f) Residential address of shareholders (please provide us with a copy of utility bill (electricity or water etc) as a proof
Note 1: If you want anonymity then nominee shareholders and directors can be appointed. In any case all above are required.
Note 2: There are ready made companies for those who want to start operations immediately. These companies can remain as they were registered or the beneficial owner can make changes including the change of the name, the shareholders, the directors etc.